More than a few adlists, and iOS will refuse to load pages

The issue I am facing:
If I add more than a few adlists, iOS will timeout while making HTTP requests, whereas Windows 10 will complete them near instantly. Anecdotal testing seems to show that number of adlists correlate with page loading time on iOS but not Windows 10.

This manifests as pages loading slowly (2-30 seconds), or not at all.

I've managed to create a workaround by limiting the number of adlists on the default group to under 15, and create a separate group for my Windows PC with full blocking.

Details about my system:

  • Raspberry Pi 3B+ connected to router via Ethernet
  • Raspbian GNU/Linux 10
  • Pihole v5.8 (issue has persisted since 5.7)

Clients manually set PiHole static IP as DNS server, and are on same 5ghz wifi network.

  • iOS 14.4.2
  • Windows 10 (19041.928)

What I have changed since installing Pi-hole:

  • Disabled iPv6 networking
  • Added iptables rules to prevent HTTPs DNS requests

Edit: Something deeper is wrong here. My Macbook will intermittently refuse to load a webpage as well, even with the reduced amount of adlists.

Edit: Here is one query that took around a minute to complete. Some people Reddit said that "Retried" means upstream DNS rejected the request. But why does this only happen with Mac OS and iOS? / Also. Even when I disable all adlists, Mac OS will take about a minute to load a webpage.

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