Mobile Games not working on home wifi network.

Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you!

Expected Behaviour:

I am able to open up games like Pokemon GO, Pokemon Masters, and Dragalia lost.

Actual Behaviour:

I am unable to open up games like Pokemon GO, Pokemon Masters, and Dragalia lost. The game hangs at the main screen and will not load in.

Debug Token:

I have set up a direct DNS entry from my phone to the pi-hole and neither me nor my wife, who does not have the direct DNS, can access the games.

I've tried tailing, nothing the apps call are being blocked via the web interface.

I'm not following you here. Nothing shown in the pihole.log, but queries shown in the query log on the web admin GUI?

Sorry, I meant that either they're not showing in the web interface (probably delay between web interface and log writing) or if they do, they're not showing as blocked.

I'll keep watching this, but it looks like was the culprit. Just took a long while to catch the issue.

Related... Is there a way to change the timezone for Pi-holes web interface? Seems like it's not using the time that my Pi is returning when I run date.

The web interface gets its time from the browser. Check your browser settings.

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