Making Pihole recognize devices on two different but connected networks

Hi there,

It's not really a bug or something that's wrong with Pihole so that's why I'm not using the template.

My network consists of two networks, network A in the 192.168.2.xx range and network B in the 192.168.1.xx range.

Network A is my local home network, used by all the people in my house, this also happens to be the network of the modem, given to us by our ISP. Then I have network B which is a seperate router going out from a LAN-port on the modem to the WAN-port of the router. This is so I can have my NAS, my printer and all other stuff blocked off by the rest of the network. I can access IP-addresses on network A while being hooked up to network B by cable.

Now my question; is it possible to have PiHole cover both networks? Well, it does now but in the network-tab it only reads the devices hooked up to network A, so it does recognize my router but not the devices connected to network B. As I am managing the home-network from network B and also the pihole from that network I was wondering if I can set it up so I can see the devices from both networks. This would make whitelisting and blacklisting a lot easier because I could recognize my devices in an instant instead of having to guess which one it is. Most requests seem to be coming from the device 'modem' so it's quite difficult to find out what address is being blocked or forwarded.

The Pihole is set-up as a DNS-server on both network A as network B.

Thanks for the help! :slight_smile:

This is included in the upcoming Pihole v5.0 :slight_smile:

Ah nice! Any expectations on when that's released?

As I'm not a dev nor moderator, I direct you to their answer :wink:

All I can say: I use the v5.0 Beta for months and it is stable for me.

Connect Pi-hole directly to both networks.
If its a Raspberry Pi with WiFi, connect eth0 to network A and connect wlan0 to network B (if network B allows WiFi).
And make sure "Interface listening behavior" on the admin web GUI is set to "Listen on all interfaces".

Thanks for the responds! I'm upgrading to the beta of v5.0 as we speak :slight_smile:

Edit1: Where might I find the option in v5.0? Couldn't find it :frowning:

This is not a v5.0 specific option. Check the web interface on the Settings tab. However, note that this is NOT required, only if you connect Pi-hole to both networks as suggested by @deHakkelaar. You do not need to do this.

With v5.0, the following devices will show up in the Network Table:

  1. Everything in network A will show up (as expected) due to being known in ip neigh
    1.1. No surprise: This includes the router for network B (well, only its WAN interface to be exact)
  2. In addition, all known devices will be listed. This set of devices may extend the devices detected in step 1 and is simply gained from the list of clients which made DNS queries to your Pi-hole.
  3. What you will not see are devices in network B which never make any requests to your Pi-hole as the NATting causes them to be hidden (as intended by this networking setup) from your Pi-hole.

If no 3 is important for you, you could try @deHakkelaar's suggestion to connect your Pi-hole to both networks simultaneously.

Thanks for the info. I went with the suggestion of @deHakkelaar and connected to network B via wifi, as the Pi is next to this wireless access point I haven't found any disruptions in my network :slight_smile:

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