Looking to unblock ign.com comments

I like to read the comments to news articles on ign.com (https://www.ign.com/news). Since installing Pi-hole (on a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ with Raspbian) and adding a few adlists a few weeks ago, the comments no longer appear. When I disable Pi-hole, they show up again.

I've tried whitelisting ign.com but that doesn't work so I'm guessing the comments come from a different domain. Does anyone know what I need to whitelist to get the comments to appear? Or have a suggestion for how I can figure this out? I'd like to whitelist this myself and add it to the Commonly Whitlisted Domains thread. :slightly_smiling_face:


pihole -d: https://tricorder.pi-hole.net/jgdrpeqmna

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Perfect, thank you. Turns out it is api-2-0.spot.im. I will add it to the thread.


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