Issues with IP address

I have pihole on armbian on orange pi zero via ethernet. it is working.

My problem is with my ip address changing, I cant seem to make it stay the same, which then stops our internet working. To start with I could actually see two ip addresses for pihole. I dont think it like that now. i have entered the pihole ip into the dns spots in my netgear nighthawk d7000 modem.router

I see there is error with my ip in my log.

Any help appreciated please! i dont know much about this stuff

Debug Token:


If you dont know much about Linux, DNS, DHCP and routing, it might be wiser to install a supported OS (Raspbian for Raspberry Pi's) instead of Armbian:

EDIT: Ooops sorry ... was mistaken with Raspberry Pi's Zero board.
Didnt know an Orange version existed :wink:

I ran the pihole reconfigure. Had it working last night on the right ip address.this morning the Internet isn't working again. Pihole ip address is still the same. Had to change the router dns back to dynamic to get it back on. Going around in circles here.

Are you changing the router's IP to be dynamic/static? Make a new debug token.