Internet no longer working when router connected on Pi-hole dns

Running Pi-hole on
Raspberry Pi 4

Expected Behaviour:

Should work to allow internet, and when new devices added to network, while using internet and filter ads

Actual Behaviour:

Pihole was working for 3 days, and without changing the configuration, It stopped loading webpages... cut internet, preventing new devices to be added to network, and eventually DNS does not resolve,

Upon reading posts, I have checked dnsmaq and it could not found... although I installed pi-hole fresh and was working without it? (so I just tried to install it after reading some comments... but nothing working) , not filtering ads... etc...
So I had to manually change my DNS manually to Google dns for computer to connect to internet.

Don't know why it suddenly stopped working

Debug Token:

Your debug log is normal. Check the following logs for any errors.


dnsmasq does not run as a separate process; it is embedded in pihole-FTL which runs instead of dnsmasq.

Thank you for answering. But I'm not sure what type of errors should be looking for. still new into this. Do you mean that I share the Log in here?

Ha! Well, that's because I was running certain commands such as sudo service dnsmaq status and it was returning not found etc...
so reading some posts trying see what others experienced, I could not get any info from dnsmasq. reason why I ran the command sudo apt-get install --reinstall dnsmasq saw on a post, and I was able now to get a status ...

Besides that don't know....pi-hole was working fine on Friday and Saturday and Sunday morning went bizarre preventing our Wirecast to stream anything at all. And The devices that were added to the network on Sunday morning could not resolve dns, computers and cellphones. So I had to manually change their individual DNS to get internet.

As of now, I'm writing, every devices connected though the pihole DNS does not have internet, except those I changed manually the DNS to and

Nothing in this. log is empty.

@jfb, not sure if you saw the log you've referred to. but I have uploaded it.... any thought?

I do not see the log. Please generate a fresh debug log and post the token. Your original log has expired.


This debug log is normal, as was the previous log. Let's take a look at some other information. Please post the output of these commands from the Pi terminal:

echo ">stats >quit" | nc localhost 4711

echo ">top-clients >quit" | nc localhost 4711

echo ">top-domains >quit" | nc localhost 4711

also this has been going on for the past couple days by the thousands till today where it started changing.

PTR requests are normal on a network. This is a client asking "what is the name of the client located at IP xyz" The IP is listed in reverse in the PTR.

The first two are Pi-hole getting the name of your upstream DNS servers - this is used to show the names on the dashboard graph "Queries answered by". In this case, the name associated with the IP is

The next series is Pi-hole asking for the names of your various network clients. This is normal and is done hourly. However, your debug log shows you have blacklisted several of the PTR queries:                                                                                                             

What is the reason for blacklisting these?

after internet dropped, and kept seeing only PTR requests and nothing else, I blackedlisted it see whether I could prevent certain machines to get on and open only my main machine that needed internet to stream and could not... and since I had trouble figuring what is causing the issue, I gave up the whole thing, and not until today I looked into it. but they were blacklisted only after internet dropped

you asked for this. just so to confirm... this is normal output for the requests?

Nothing here looks unusual. Let's take a look at which host names Pi-hole knows about. Output of these commands from the Pi terminal please. Edit, after you remove the arpa entries from your blacklist.

dig -x +short

dig -x +short

dig -x +short

dig -x +short

dig -x +short

Note, in this forum you can paste text output into a reply and format it as "preformatted text" using the </> icon on the reply window. This makes it easier for others to copy/paste from an output for further troubleshooting.

appears like nothing shows. Could I have miss something ?

**pi@kohp-pi** : **~ $** dig -x +short

**pi@kohp-pi** : **~ $** dig -x +short

**pi@kohp-pi** : **~ $** dig -x +short

**pi@kohp-pi** : **~ $** dig -x +short

**pi@kohp-pi** : **~ $** dig -x +short

No. Since the replies are blank, Pi-hole did not know the name and was unable to resolve the request. This can lead to high request volumes (keep asking until you get an answer).

For the clients that are currently connected to your network, how are they mapped to use Pi-hole DNS? Is the router DHCP set to pass out Pi-hole as DNS server, or are the individual clients mapped to Pi-hole DNS?

They were all originally using the pihole DNS server. after the issue of internet breaking down, I have reverted the changes as follow

Main Router >> OpenDNS
Wifi Extender >> Pi-hole DNS
Access Point Router >> Main Router >> OpenDns
Most Clients (roku, camera, smart home, phones, etc) >> Wifi Extender >> Main router
Main Client (Streaming Computer) >> Manual Google DNS (1,2) >> Main Router DNS
Computer 2 >> Manual Map to Pi-hole DNS >> Access Point >> Main Router

Computers runs Little Snitch

Why that complicated? well, it was previously set to all use Pi-hole DNS but the failure just "scared" me to use it again

So as of now, that how they're at...

Are any of your network IP'S reserved or static in the router DHCP?

DHCP server? Or were all set to use Pi-hole for DNS (via the router)?

Have you noticed:queries_forwarded -117
Have you seen negative values here before?