Installer feedback - Network configuration

  1. I have two network interfaces in the system I installed it in. eth0, which is static, and tun0, which is DHCP because it's a VPN. Obviously I wanted the script to listen on eth0. When I selected that during the install script it insisted on setting an IP(ok, thanks?), then detected the ip of TUN0 and suggested that be used. I aborted the script, re-ran it, told it to use TUN0 and to set it to it's current static, then had to go back and remove the static configuration it had made. Of course I then had to edit the dnsmasq file to tell it to listen on the proper interface.

Perhaps presuming anyone definitely wants their network configuration adjusted by the installation script is over-reaching and it should be something one can opt out of?


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The script is unfortunately getting worse (side effects getting worse and more edits needed) for cheap public static IP VPS. It's not a test case for the developers it seems, despite the popular use case. It seems to be best supported from home case behind a router. I just wish they had better error checking, warning and explicit message saying public static IP configuration is not supported/handled/implemented. But I mostly blame that on the sad state of linux interfaces and poorly grepping for IP and interfaces rather than using proper ABI's and getting reliable IP/interface info consistently across different distro's.

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