Install pihole on one SD card and use on different RPi models

I installed Pihole on a raspberry pi 3B+ and works fine. But now I use the same SD card without modification in a raspberry pi Zero, the webserver can be accessed, but the DNS server seems to be down. I assume this is because the installation was specific for the RPi 3B+ processor and does not run on the processor of the Zero. Can the installation be modified in a way that it works on any model of the RPi by just switching the SD card from one model to another without any modification ?

No, different models use different CPUs and require different pihole-FTL binaries.

Then is it possible to install different versions of Pihole-FTL binaries next to each other ? And define somewhere which should be used depending on the RPi model ?


No. Run the installer once on the uSD card running in each RPI model you are using.

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