Improving group management from command line

Groups are great, unfortunately managing large domain lists with groups can be quite a tedious job when using the web interface.
I would like to get your opinion on how to improve it. I can either modify the existing command-line supported by pihole or develop a new tool (Clearly the best would be to improve the current command-line interface in pihole/, although right now I'm not sure how hard it'll be to manage multiple tables through bash & sqlite3).

What I'm thinking is something like along these lines:

Improve list operations (for -b, -w, --regex, --white-regex):
• Modify the output to print also the group ID and group name
• Add capability to filter the results:
   ◇ -gid <id>: print only domains that belong to the given group ID
   ◇ -gn <name>: print only domains that belong to the given group name
   ◇ --comment <name>: print only domains matching the given comment

Improve current way to add domains to gravity (apply to -b, -w, --regex, --white-regex):
• Allow to specify a group list when a new domain is added:
   ◇ -gid <id>[,<id>]...
   ◇ -gn <name>[,<name>]...
   E.g.: pihole -b -gn default,myGroup,SecondGroup
   When no groups are specified, it'll behave just like now (add to default group)
• Allow to specify a comment to be added to the domains:
   ◇ --comment <name>
Improve remove domains functionality (apply to -b, -w, --regex, --white-regex):
• Allow to specify a group list where a domain is removed from:
   ◇ -gid <id>[,<id>]...
   ◇ -gn <name>[,<name>]...
• Allow to specify matching comment to for the domain to remove
   ◇ --comment <name>   # Remove all the domains that match <comment>
Notes about the remove operations: 
•  when groups are specified, the domain is not removed, but only the association with the group is removed, unless a domain has no more associations with a group. In this case it'll be deleted.

Group management (details to be specified)
• Add a new command-line option to create groups
• Add a new command-line option to delete groups
• Add a new command-line option to set and remove clients to groups
• Add a new command-line option to set and remove domains to groups

What do you guys think?

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