Ignoring domain CONFIG_DOMAIN for DHCP host name HOSTNAME

I get following "DNSMASQ_WARN" errors/warnings daily that are shown on UI:
Warning in dnsmasq core: Ignoring domain for DHCP host name
and the provided documentation link doesn't say that much to me:

"> Ignoring domain CONFIG_DOMAIN for DHCP host name HOSTNAME

A DHCP client is not allowed to claim name HOSTNAME in the current DHCP configuration."

Client is already added to group that is NOT using Pi-hole for DNS.

Is there anything I should/could do to avoid these warnings?
Are these serious?
Please answer in lay-man terms as I am not that skilled in this, just an ordinary user.


See Ignoring domain CONFIG_DOMAIN for DHCP host name HOSTNAME - #8 by DL6ER.

In your case, create /etc/dnsmasq.d/99-domains.conf and add:


Substitute XXX.XXXXX.SE with your actual domain from the warning, and <ip-address> with the IP of your RS30139079 host.
Run pihole restartdns for those settings to take effect.

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TY, I'll try that after work today!

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