Huge /var/log/daemon.log

I would disable this, and see if the PTR traffic volume is reduced.

Sorry for not replying sooner but I experienced an Internet outage last night until early this morning.

@McKenna_Jones, I dont see anything wrong with netstat.
Pi-hole (with PID=680) is for DNS listening on default ports 53 UDP/TCP for IPv4 & IPv6 as it should.
And 4711 TCP for the API.
I dont see other DNS daemons that could write to said logs.

@MVRLogins, something weird is going on with your setup.
The pihole-FTL binary, with PID=683, is listening in addition to the default ports, also listening on ports IPv4 47383, 9016 and 28481 UDP.
And the last one 28481 twice.
Any idea why ?
And the numbers in the Recv-Q column for the netstat output not being zero also is not a good sign:

pi@noads:~ $ man netstat
       Established:  The count of bytes not copied by the user program
       connected to this socket.  Listening: Since Kernel 2.6.18  this
       column contains the current syn backlog.

@ both, at fist I thought it might be that you had pihole-FTL and dnsmasq running alongside each other somehow and writing to different logs, but it appears not.
I would check for rouge config files that might hold directives to write to the daemon log:

sudo grep -v '#\|^$' -R /etc/dnsmasq.* | sort

And always take note which PID in the logs is writing what:

pi@noads:~ $ pidof pihole-FTL

pi@noads:~ $ ps 12770
12770 ?        Sl    52:05 /usr/bin/pihole-FTL

pi@noads:~ $ ps -eo pid,command
12764 (sd-pam)
12770 /usr/bin/pihole-FTL
27990 [kworker/u2:0-ev]

Ow ps, below example from my setup:

pi@noads:~ $ sudo grep -v '#\|^$' -R /etc/dnsmasq.* | sort

Thanks for the help with this @deHakkelaar

Are the server entries below correct? is my router.
I'm running cloudflared on the same pi as pihole so shouldn't the server be That's what I have in the settings for pihole.

And the log facility line shows the correct log file, but dnsmasq is logging to daemon.log AND syslog!

pi@PiHole:/var/log $ sudo grep -v '#|^$' -R /etc/dnsmasq.* | sort

I disabled conditional forwarding and the PTR traffic in the logs is gone.

Now how do I see the hostnames of the devices in the logs without conditional forwarding?

Need to see why conditional forwarding is making dnsmasq fill the logs (daemon.log, syslong and pihole.log) so quickly.

You seem to use "Conditional Forwarding" to your router.
Is below "localdomain", the same domain as configured in your router settings ?

EDIT: our postings crossed :smiley:

Last desperate one for the logs, any other results besides below ones ?

pi@noads:~ $ sudo grep daemon.log -R /etc
/etc/rsyslog.conf:daemon.*                      -/var/log/daemon.log

If no results, I suspect something logged via systemd, like some failure/bug/misconfiguration.
This is a long shot though!
I have no Buster to investigate and am out of ideas

Maybe a dev can step in or someone else knows.

Try configure custom upstream DNS server to point to your router:

But dont use any other upstream DNS servers for Pihole!
And your router WAN DNS settings need to be defaulted to use ISP provided DNS servers.

EDIT: ow and this one:


pi@PiHole:/var/log $ sudo grep daemon.log -R /etc
/etc/rsyslog.conf:daemon.* -/var/log/daemon.log
pi@PiHole:/var/log $

So the DNS traffic would no go as follows:

client -> pihole -> router -> DNS provider ?

Yup .......

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