How to set pi-hole to only one network adapter

Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you!

Expected Behaviour:

[I have fedora 25.1.3 standalone server with amahi 10 installed to one adapter with on vm of any kind. I was tringing to get one program (amahi) to work on lan adapter 1 and pi=hole to work on lan adapter 2.]

Actual Behaviour:

[Pi=hole is taking over both lan adapters and displaying admin web interface on both pre set ip, ({ amahi server} and ( pi-hole server)]

Debug Token:

[no token]

Can anyone tell me how to set pi-hole to one adapter / ip as i have set it up on the install menu, instead of it running on all lan adapters on the server. I am running Fedora 25.1.3 server standalone command line terminal, no GUI.


Create a new configuration snippet file in /etc/dnsmasq.d, something named similar to 99-interfaces.conf. Set the file contents to be:


This should limit dnsmasq to that interface only.

thanks i will try that

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