Historical data, lists, graphs don't work

You originally said the graphs didn't work, so instead of checking out the query log, check the graphics page.

Graphics, etc are not working. And now, its showing 2.7 million domains in the block list, with ZERO requests blocked.

Its funny, this will be the fourth time I've completely reinstalled the OS in the last year or so I've been using pihole. After setting up the initial lists I want, I do virtually no maintenance on this system whatsoever. I make no changes after its up and running. I just log in every now and again to check historical data.

Yet each fresh install only seems to last a few months before I need to "nuke it from orbit" like we have to do with Windows machines after a few years of use.

Curious as to why this is.

Perhaps this is a hardware issue. What hardware are you running this on, what brand SD card are you using, and what are the details of your power supply (brand, voltage and current rating)?

There have been a number of threads regarding issues with inadequate power supplies or cables - SD cards do not perform well without adequate power.

Interesting, I hadn't considered power. The SD Card is a Sandisk, and I'd have to go look at the wall wart, but for sure its a $0.99 craptastic job made by 8-year-old Chinese child slave labor. I bought the Pi kit from Fleabay, and it came with the power supply.

Disregard. Its a 2.5 amp Canakit power supply.

LOL. Now I have 2.7mil entries on the black list, 3k queries, and not a single domain blocked........

Guess I need to reload the OS ASAP.

Wish I knew why it broke on its own.

What is the output of the following commands to see how Pi-Hole is handling a known ad-serving domain?

dig flurry.com

dig flurry.com @

And, can you upload a screen capture of this part of your dashboard?

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