Have to manually 'Restart DNS server' when reboot pihole

I'm having a problem when I reboot my pihole device. It works brilliantly with a number of static IP addresses set in /etc/dnsmasq.d/staticip.conf and I am currently running custom DNS servers on it via the web configuration (Norton's full Connect Safe DNS servers). However, when I reboot the pihole device, no addresses can be resolved on any of my devices until I go to 'Restart DNS server' in settings.

Any thoughts/workaround for an automatic delayed restart of DNS servers upon phole device boot? Getting my hands dirty in the system isn't a problem.

Could you generate a debug log and upload it (you will be given a token you can provide us) at a time when it does not work (i.e. after reboot)?


pihole -d

Will do.

This morning I have rebooted the device a couple of times since and it has worked properly. However, if it does it again I will generate a debug log. Thanks for the support.

Hello, i guess i have the same problem or similar. when i reboot my raspberry dns is not working until i restart dns server manually. Clients e.g. Android says "no internet connection" but the Pihole web interface is working fine...

Please go to your settings page and look at the Advanced DNS Settings. Select either the second, or the third option.

Thanks for your quick reply

these are my settings at the moment:
-never forward non-FQDNs --checked
-never forward reverse lookups for private IP ranges --checked
-Use DNSSEC --unchecked

-Listen on all interfaces, but allow only queries from devices that are at most one hop away (local devices) --checked
-Listen only on interface eth0 --unchecked
-Listen on all interfaces, permit all origins (make sure your Pi-hole is firewalled!) --unchecked

Do you mean?
-never forward reverse lookups for private IP ranges

Sorry for being unspecific,

I mean change the Setting "Interface listening behavior" to either

  • Listen only on interface eth0 (preferred), or
  • Listen on all interfaces, permit all origins (use this if you have more than one interface, e.g. a VPN, running on the same device)

No worries :wink: thank you, i will check this in the evning and post the result... i use teamviewer, so maybe this is the issue....

Yeah...Second Option "Listen only on interface eth0 (preferred)" works fine! Thank you!

PS: TeamViewer was not the Problem...

4 posts were split to a new topic: Have to manually ‘Restart DNS server’ when reboot pihole (another one)