FTLDNS in proxmox

I still think it is a problem with proxmox, because of:

Note that there is a fundamental difference in the security concept we are using in FTLDNS compared to master. On master, we use dnsmasq which is started as root. With FTLDNS, we, however, don't want to do this! In contrast we start FTLDNS from an entirely unprivileged user (it couldn't even access the data from other users or change anything on the system!). However, we obviously have to grant the executable some permissions. Those are:

  • Binding to a port < 1024 (port 53 for DNS)
  • Network admin permissions (for being able to handle DHCP packets)
  • Raw network sockets (for creating ICMP sockets, needed for IPv6)

As things stand, it very much looks like proxmox (or your OS!) doesn't allow us to grant the executable these permissions (see your message above).


is a bit strange...