FTLDNS beta test failed

Just upgraded to FTLDNS from pihole v.3.3.1 on my tomato arm (netgear r7000)router update went smoothly except when it tries to run pihole-FTL it says
"root@b-12-l-14-gw:~# /etc/init.d/pihole-FTL start
Not running
Failed to set capabilities on file `/usr/bin/pihole-FTL' (Operation not supported)
sh: 1: /usr/bin/pihole-FTL: not found" and pihole terminates

root@b-12-l-14-gw:/# tail -f /var/log/pihole-FTL.log
[2018-04-24 22:28:13.194] -> Exactly blocked DNS queries: 5435
[2018-04-24 22:28:13.194] -> Wildcard blocked DNS queries: 4
[2018-04-24 22:28:13.194] -> Unknown DNS queries: 11
[2018-04-24 22:28:13.194] -> Unique domains: 1611
[2018-04-24 22:28:13.194] -> Unique clients: 11
[2018-04-24 22:28:13.194] -> Known forward destinations: 1
[2018-04-24 22:41:43.789] FATAL: FTL received SIGTERM from PID/UID 9545/0, exiting gracefully
[2018-04-24 22:41:43.789] Shutting down...
[2018-04-24 22:41:43.840] Finished final database update
[2018-04-24 22:41:43.841] ########## FTL terminated after 51.8 ms! ##########

my pihole v.3.3.1 has been running for almost a month now and no issues so far

[2018-04-24 22:41:43.789] FATAL: FTL received SIGTERM from PID/UID 9545/0, exiting gracefully

what process is killing the FTL daemon?

im not sure what process kill pihole-FTL, looks like there are new capabilities that my router cant support, i reverted back to v.3.3.1

most likely it is a conflict between DNSMasq and FTLDNS the two cannot be run together.

dnsmasq is not running during my test, my guess it might be kernel related issues "Failed to set capabilities on file `/usr/bin/pihole-FTL’ (Operation not supported)"

ps -p 95450--o comm= should return the command that is causing FTLDNS to terminate. provided it is still running if you try again and get a different PID use it. that could help us narrow down what is happening

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@technicalpyro The SIGTERM istn't the real issue here, I guess that is just when @cedie stopped the service.

@cedie Your problem is

This means you have checked out the FTLDNS beta testing branch, right? The reason for why we need to manage capabilities here is the strong security model we implement for FTLDNS. While dnsmasq is running as root, we run pihole-FTL under user pihole for your own safety and comfort. Obviously, the user pihole (being entirely unprivileged) cannot bind to ports below 1000 (among some other things related to DHCP services FTLDNS offers) and as such we need to supplement the binary with these capabilities so pihole-FTL can bind to port 53, etc. without giving any additional permissions to the pihole user.

Now, it seems that your Tomato router has issues with this. Two questions:

  1. sh: 1: /usr/bin/pihole-FTL: not found

    Does this file exist? If not, where is pihole-FTL located for you?

  2. Failed to set capabilities on file `/usr/bin/pihole-FTL’ (Operation not supported)

    Could you try running

    sudo setcap CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE,CAP_NET_RAW,CAP_NET_ADMIN+eip /usr/bin/pihole-FTL

    independently to see what your router says about it?

Hello DL6ER

  1. yes /usr/bin/pihole-FTL does exist

  2. root@-gw:/# setcap CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE,CAP_NET_RAW,CAP_NET_ADMIN+eip /usr/bin/pihole-FTL
    Failed to set capabilities on file `/usr/bin/pihole-FTL' (Operation not supported)

i,ve read somewhere that extended attribute needs to be compiled/enabled on my file system to store capabilities, i have no idea how to enable it on chrooted environment, my current pihole 3.3.1 is working fine on this router

reason i tried FTLDNS is the local dns server support with unbound, right now i manually edited 01-pihole.conf to add for unbound to work with v.3.3.1, hope it will be officially supported

Well, sure, Pi-hole v4.0 will support it.

Which file system do you use?

debian chroot resides on ext3 file system, i didnt bother on the extended attribute issue as it involves compiling a new kernel and tomato firmware is very limited on this area.

guess i just have to wait for pihole v4 :wink:

Pi-hole v4.0 will bring (a more polished version of) what is currently in the beta phase. Hence, the more issues we can resolve already now, the better. I might have a solution for this, and will comment here again later.


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