FTL - Unable to get the latest release location from GitHub

Quite a rough start for v4. :grin:
But oh well, the sooner issues get discovered, the sooner they'll be fixed (hopefully).

I believe @deHakkelaar's message should probably be marked as the solution so any user experiencing that issue can actually find it quickly and know it's working.

Hahaha "rough".
For me thats just a minor glitch :wink:
It works perfect for me.

This is indeed a problem. The installer has grown old over time as all of us (core team and external contributions) kept to blow it up to even more and more functionality. It consists of several thousand lines of bash code and we stretch out its flexibility. A rewrite of the installer is in the works which will also address some other things more elegantly, but this is still in an early alpha phase and not yet really ready for anything. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel :wink:

For some reason, even while using the fix from @deHakkelaar, I keep getting that same error over and over.
Looks like luck's not with me today, is there a specific delay to wait for between the commands or..?

So far I've been getting two "working-only-once" fixes. :confused:

@anon55913113 By running the netstat -tulpen : grep :53 command, I only see a few lines talking about services like Lighttpd, SSHd, Avahi and DHCPd, but no mention of any DNS running on port 53.

I even tried running pihole disable && sudo sed -i 's/' /etc/resolv.conf && pihole -r so all the commands can run without delay and nope, I still have the same issue, sadly.

Edit: It looks like I just cannot disable Pi-Hole by any means, wether I try running pihole disable, sudo pihole disable or even try disabling it through the web GUI.

Alright, so just to be sure, I tried seeing what was in my resolv.conf file after trying the repair and here's what I found:

pi@pi-hole:~ $ cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Generated by dhcpcd
# /etc/resolv.conf.head can replace this line
# /etc/resolv.conf.tail can replace this line

Seems like that's where the problem comes from. Also, I do believe it was the right command at first, @anon55913113, the one you gave in your last reply doesn't return anything in the terminal.

Edit: Looks like the solution is simply to do a sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf, add nameserver at the end of the file and then simply run pihole -r.

sudo sed -i '/nameserver,${s//nameserver;b};$q1' /etc/resolv.conf && echo "Changed nameserver successfully." || echo "Changing nameserver failed."


This fixed mine :wink:

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