FTL offline new and existing PI

Hello all,

read many articles about my problem but i can't fix it. I have two pi's, one new and one older. Both have the same issue that FTL seem to be offline but the pi's do their work. As said i have read many articles, restarted the FTL etcetera and even did a clean install but nothing seems to work. Anyone has a solution for this?

Thanks, Mark

pihole FTL offline

It's an issue with the Chronometer, fixed in the next release. To workaround:


echo 4711 | sudo tee /var/run/pihole-FTL.port

Root is needed to write the file.

Thanks, guess i should have read better :frowning_face:

No need to be sad. Was not an allegation but plain hint :slight_smile:

Does it work for you?

I understand, but i guess if i had looked better i could have found the answer myself. Maybe i'll try it tonight but no hurry because everything works fine. Thanks again.

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