"FTL offline" and "Lost connection to API"

Try these commands:

sudo rm -rf /etc/.pihole
sudo git clone https://github.com/pi-hole/pi-hole.git /etc/.pihole
pihole -r

Hello @Mcat12 thank you for your help :slight_smile:
I ran the commands you suggested (made a tar backup of /etc/pihole first, just to be sure).

While the commands seem to have run just fine, the end result is the same.
FTL is still offline. How about you @synth, did this work for you?

I ran pihole -d again, if that helps.
The debug token is vrjzato7f4

Hello to all, sorry was yesterday due to broken masterconnections in the street offline.
Ok, well ... nothing until now, testing it and after running pihole -r I got everything green (except the .html not found not updated) ... BUT in the end:

[✓] Force-reloading DNS service
pihole-FTL: Kein Prozess gefunden
[✓] DNS service is running
[✓] Pi-hole blocking is Enabled

[i] The install log is located at: /etc/pihole/install.log
Update Complete!

New token: [✓] Your debug token is: q2awvq95h2
Thnx to all, especially to @Mcat12

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Sorry to write in a separate post,
yesterday I took the rPI from my mother to my home and reinstalled the image on the SDCard ... everything is working fine now. Same Config, same PI, 100% same system ... just the image newly written to the sdcard.

Sorry @fvanlint, I didn't see your reply. Does the new output exactly match what you were seeing before?

For me nothing helped, I had to pickup my mothers PC because of a damaged hard drive and in this situation I took the rPI2 too and rewrote the whole sd-image which i saved before to the sd-card. Until now it's working fine.
Greets synth

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