FTL & loading

Does not work

root@localhost:~# lighttpd-mod-enable
-bash: lighttpd-mod-enable: command not found
root@localhost:~# lighttpd-mod-enable setenv
-bash: lighttpd-mod-enable: command not found

Sorry... it was a typo. The command is lighttpd-enable-mod setenv.

Does not work

sudo lighttpd-enable-mod setenv
Ignoring unknown module: setenv
Run "service lighttpd force-reload" to enable changes

root@localhost ~# lighttpd-enable-mod
Disabled modules: auth cgi debian-doc dir-listing evasive evhost expire extforward fastcgi-php flv-streaming no-www proxy rewrite rrdtool simple-vhost sockproxy ssi ssl status unconfigured userdir usertrack
Enabled modules: accesslog fastcgi javascript-alias pihole-admin
Enable module: setenv
Ignoring unknown module: setenv
Run "service lighttpd force-reload" to enable changes
root@localhost ~#

Maybe not related to the issue but localhost as a hostname is not recommended.
Thats a special name reserved for use on the virtual loopback interface named lo:

pi@ph5b:~ $ ip -br address show lo
lo               UNKNOWN ::1/128
pi@ph5b:~ $ cat /etc/hosts       localhost
::1             localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback

Can you please generate a new Debug Log (the previous one expired after 48h and was automatically deleted)?

Of course.


You are running lighttpd v1.4.53. The setenv module should be available.

What is the output of ls -la /etc/lighttpd/conf-available/?

I'm trying to fix first the lighttpd config, but there are a few errors on your debug log.

  1. To fix the lighttpd config, type these 2 commands:
    echo 'server.modules += ( "mod_setenv" )' >> /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/05-setenv.conf
    service lighttpd force-reload
  2. Also, your device is using the wlan0 network interface, but your config is expecting a different interface:
    *** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Setup variables
    You need to edit /etc/pihole/setupVars.conf or run pihole -r and select "reconfigure" option to change the interface to wlan0.

Wlan0 I have set, and added in the server module setenev mod.
The ftl service is still offline according to the web interface. But at the terminal it shows on.

I send again the debug log:

Via the shell everything seems to be ok, example; ftl ist ok... but not in the webinterface.

Also for info.
The pihole I have installed on linux deploy (container)

root@localhost:/home/android# sudo lighttpd-enable-mod
Disabled modules: auth cgi debian-doc dir-listing evasive evhost expire extforward fastcgi-php flv-streaming no-www proxy rewrite rrdtool simple-vhost sockproxy ssi ssl status unconfigured userdir usertrack
Enabled modules: accesslog fastcgi javascript-alias pihole-admin setenv
Enable module:

Setev modul is enabled

That is a valuable information, well worth including in your original post straight away (as our standard help template would ask for your OS).

How did you install Pi-hole inside that Linux deploy container?

I notice a high number of unusual network interfaces in your debug log.
This usually hints at a smartphone tyring to host Pi-hole.

So in case you are indeed trying to get Pi-hole running on a smartphone.
We've received a few not very promising reports of attempts to operate Pi-hole on smartphones.

Note that Android itself is not a supported OS, and it would seem that OS virtualisation software on Android is not well equipped to host Pi-hole (maybe because it would require elevated rights and full network access, and Android's sandboxing model somehow interferes, but that would just be my guess).

As I recall it, similar reports here on our forum for running Pi-hole under Android have yet to find a successful conclusion.

For some, it has allegedly worked.
Here are some examples.


Of those procedures that you've linked above, did any of them help you in actually getting your Pi-hole running on a smartphone?

And which one did you follow?
Which is related to my previous question - please answer:

As in video

Did that include an app downloaded from some kind of specialised store or software repository?
If so: Those apps have not been created or endorsed by the Pi-hole team.
You would have to contact the respective maintainer of that app for support.

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