Frequent Database Corruption (pihole-ftl.db)

So, I'm running pi-hole for 6 weeks or so now and I experienced two pihole-ftl.db corruptions, which resulted in clients not being assigned to the correct block groups.

I didn't make any config changes during that time. I set it up once and let it run. When it happened first, I stopped the ftl service, deleted the db and started the service again. But now that the db corrupted a second time, I'm worried that this might happen again.

I intended to set a pi-hole on a pi4b up, at my relative's place. But now I'm quite uncertain, if I really can rely on it, since I would rather not have to go to their place every other month to reset the ftl db.

Any ideas why this could happen?

Expected Behaviour:

pihole-ftl.db not to corrupt.

  • Raspberry Pi OS Lite 64-bit
  • Raspberry Pi 4B

Please follow our help template.

Please upload a debug log and post just the token URL that is generated after the log is uploaded by running the following command from the Pi-hole host terminal:

pihole -d

or do it through the Web interface:

Tools > Generate Debug Log

Sorry, forgot to do this:

If its a Raspberry Pi, check below:

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As suggested by deHakkelaar, usually file corruption happens on power failures (due to bad power source, or when the user pull the plug without turning the system down).

Another possibility is an old (or bad/defective) SD card.

Another (but very very unlikely) possibility is the database was edited by another service, app or script at the same time Pi-hole was writing to the database.

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Thanks, allot. Indeed, it seems to be an issue with the power supply of my rpi4.

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