when my script detects a new client I use the following to send the signal:
isFTLready() {
# Ensure pihole-FTL has picjup the new entry
# ref https://discourse.pi-hole.net/t/pihole-g-list-download-disappointing-performance/27266/91
until timeout 1 getent hosts "$1" &> /dev/null; do
[[ "${secs:-}" -eq 0 ]] && break
: $((secs--))
sleep 5
if ! grep -q "${IPv6ndpAddr}" ${hostsdirFile}; then
# add client to hosts file (/etc/pfsense/neigbour)
echo "${IPv6ndpAddr} ${IPv6cfgName} ${IPv6cfgName}.localdomain # ${currentTime}" | sudo tee -a ${hostsdirFile}
isFTLready "${IPv6ndpAddr}"
pkill -RTMIN+4 pihole-FTL
Unfortunately, pihole-FTL now keeps re-resolving all the host names. It doesn't stop anymore..., it keeps making PTR requests. I expected this to happen once.
once again pihole -up destroyes my custom pihole modifications, even without core or web updates. unfortunate...
I have no idea how to force the router (using pfsense) to do that. searching (duckduckgo) for pfsense and EDNS doesn't return any results. Will ask the the question on the netgate forum...
as far as I can see in the pfsense webinterface, this would imply I have to setup a dns forwarder on the pfsense (= dnsmasq), and set the pfsense as the dnsserver for the clients, thus: client -> dnsmasq on pfsense -> pihole-FTL -> unbound -> world. Not really what I want (the additional dnsmasq on pfsense)…