Flushing log fails with v5.9/FTL v5.14

I just updated my Pi-hole server, Now flushing the log from the command line fails with an error:

Flushing /var/log/pihole.log ...Error: in prepare, cannot modify queries because it is a view

Flushing the log from the Web Interface shows no error messages, but also fails to actually flush the log. This just started today (02/12/2022), after updating to ...
Pi-hole v5.9 FTL v5.14 Web Interface v5.11

System summary:
Ubuntu server 20.04.03 LTS
edit: PHP version 7.4.3

Any tips on this? Thanks

It's a bug. We fix it.

Thanks, response much appreciated!

Having somewhat of the same problem after updating. Both web interface and command-line fail.

"Flushing /var/log/pihole.log ...Error: in prepare, cannot modify queries because it is a view (1)"

Any thoughts to why?


We fixed the bug, the patch will be part of the next Pi-hole release.

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So, how are users now able to flush the logs without having to wiat for the next release?

You can run a custom branch:

pihole checkout core fix/flush

To get back on track (and before the next release) you need to perform

pihole checkout master

after update i can't flush dns

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