Few Questions about my new Pi-Hole installation

  1. This is not possible because Pi-hole does DNS blocking, and the path is not included as part of that process.
  2. The blocklists contain many domains which are blocked, and the blacklist is for your own manual blacklisting.
  3. If you want to change the interface, run pihole -r and choose reconfigure.
  4. What were the URLs of the lists you were using? Normal easylist lists aren't meant to be parsed by Pi-hole.
  5. You can limit the query log to only show queries from a certain client, and then you can look at the section during the time you were using SpotLight.
  6. Why do blacklisted domains show IPv4 as "Pi-holed" but not IPv6 in the query log?
  7. Just some weird domains being logged
  8. The logs are only stored on the Pi-hole, unless the client device is logging their own queries (unusual). See here for more information on DNScrypt: DNSCrypt · pi-hole/pi-hole Wiki · GitHub