Here's what I tried:
- Starting from a fresh PiHole v5 version (master).
- The version information from the web interface: Pi-hole Version v5.0, Web Interface Version v5.0, FTL Version v5.0
- Changing to DNSv6 servers works as expected. The GUI spawns the popup stating "The DNS settings have been updated (using 2 DNS servers)"
- Applying the fix to this master branch version.
pihole checkout core fix/ip_validation_setdns
in the terminal- Now the version information are: Pi-hole Version vDev (fix/ip_validation_setdns, v5.0-493-g3205606), Web Interface Version v5.0, FTL Version v5.0
- Works as well! The same popup message is displayed.
- Starting again with a fresh version of PiHole v5 on master:
- Switching to the development branch:
pihole checkout dev
- Immediately afterwards applying the fix:
pihole checkout core fix/ip_validation_setdns
- Now the versions are: Pi-hole vDev (fix/ip_validation_setdns, v5.0-493-g3205606), Web Interface vDev (devel, v5.0-441-g59bd4de),FTL vDev (development, vDev-bd405e9)
- The popup message I referred to in my last post spawns:
Updating DNS settings failed. Result:
- The chosen DNSv6 servers remain checked when re-visiting the DNS-settings page. This was not the case before (without the fix). It would fail (also announced ba a slightly different popup message) and when re-visiting the web page no DNSv6 server was checked anymore.
Maybe indeed a regression due to changes in the development branch