Extremely small percentage blocked with 1.2m domains on blocklist

Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you!

Expected Behaviour:

[Replace this text with what you think should be happening]
Most ads blocked

Actual Behaviour:

[replace this text with what is actually happening]
Ads not being blocked. I've been using macrumors.com and yahoo.com as a testing ground and I'm seeing every ad imaginable.

I have roughly 1.2 Million domains blocked along with some regex suggested on the subreddit and in the forums. Even with such a large blocklist, it's only averaging about 13% blocked according to the dashboard. But from experience, it seems like I'm seeing every ad which makes me believe it may only be the trackers that are being blocked.

Any help would be much appreciated. Also a secondary issue... I cannot seem to generate a bug report. I click on the generate debug log and nothing seems to happen even after waiting 30+ minutes.

I'm using hassio for pihole so I don't think I'm able to run some CLI pihole -d.

Debug Token:

[Replace this text with the debug token provided from running pihole -d (or running the debug script through the web interface]

See above comments. I can't seem to generate a debug token or debug log.

13% means it's working. There isn't a way for thing to partially work. You may have some clients that use Pi-hole and some clients that do not.

As for running under hassio, you'll need to contact the maintainers of that package to see what may be the problem. It's not a Pi-hole supported platform.

The actual blocking rate may vary wildly, depending on the sites you are visting.
Spend a whole day here in the forums exclusively, and 13% would be outrageously high. Spend a whole day googling one term after the other, clicking each sponsored link available, and 13% would be unbelievable low..

It is really hard to supply advice when we know little about your configuration :wink:

But even as Hassio is not a supported environment, the most common reason why you see what you perceive as a low blocking ratio ist that not all your devices use Pi-hole for DNS, and/or not all the time.

This in return can be attributed to quite a number of root causes which may or may not apply to your specific setup (unfortunately, in lieu of a debug token, it is not possible to verify this even for the most common one's only).

Instead of guessing and repeating them here, let me refer you to a rather general reply I've written (on an otherwise unrelated topic).
I think the common ground would be that I am only able to point you in a select few directions where you may be able to learn, better understand and perhaps adjust a few of your network settings so that you may get (or perceive :wink: ) better results from your Pi-hole installation.

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