Error: Could not update local repository. Contact support

Trying to update to FTL, the core updated fine, but the web interface gives me this error:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ pihole -up
::: Checking for updates...
::: Pi-hole Core: up to date
::: Web Interface: update available
::: Pi-hole Web Admin files out of date
::: Checking for existing repository...
::: Updating repo in /var/www/html/admin...*** Error: Could not update local repository. Contact support.

The only thing I can think is that dark theme is interfering?

Any ideas how to fix it? I'm running this on the original Pi model B so have been looking forward to the new FTL API

Uninstall the dark theme, try again, then reinstall the dark theme. There may be a more efficient way, but I don't remember the details of how the dark theme installs.

I'm not sure how to uninstall it, is there a command line I can use?

I too had the same problem, only way is to uninstall and reinstall the pihole

I was worried that might be the case, damn.. thanks

I remember it made a backup of the original dashboard before installing, but no idea how to restore that

So I exported my settings and lists from the teleporter, reflashed rapsian, reintalled pi hole, go to import my teleported lists and am met with error after error about not being valid domains

Not particularity impressed I have to set this back up from scratch

What is the specific error you are receiving. Are you having trouble importing black and whitelists or just one or the other?

I've sorted it now, it seems that URLs added via the terminal (pihole -w or pihole -b) allow illegal URLs to be added that the web interface does not allow to be imported, such as URLs with http:// or anything after the main URL such as one I had with :9980 at the end

I edited my zip with the lists and removed all the bad URLs, it then let me import it

So after re-installing and importing (with your edits), is everything working as expected now?

We have logic in the scripts that allow you to only add domain names and would not accept URLs...Did you by chance ever edit these white or blacklist files manually?

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ pihole -b
::: is not a valid argument or domain name
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ pihole -b
::: is not a valid argument or domain name

sort of working now, the white and black lists imported correctly after the edits, but now I have LOST CONNECTION TO API across the top boxes and pihole is not resolving DNS any longer

Also says Pi-hole FTL (Not running) in settings

I never edited those lists manually, always either via the web interface or via SSH PuTTY

OK, rebooted the Pi and it's working again properly now

Please let us know if FTL goes offline again; we have had some other users having this.

Will do, I have the Pi set as my only DNS for that reason, if it goes offline I lose connection on everything so I`ll know straight away

RAM usage is significantly lower with FTL, only seeing 12.9% usage on the original RPI Model B with 8MB set for video

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You might have some changes in your local git repo in /var/www/html/admin. You can check this by running git status and git diff in the /var/www/html/admin dir. If you have changes you can either back them out, or just delete the whole directory and start over.

This is an old thread, but we have an FAQ on this error message: