Encrypted domain check

There is an encrypted domain name list for security reasons, how can I integrate this list? For example, google.com domain name in my list is encrypted with sha1 "baea954b95731c68ae6e45bd1e252eb4560cdc45" Do you have any solution for this issue?

The issue I am facing:

Details about my system:

What I have changed since installing Pi-hole:

No. Pi-hole does not support encrypted listed. You need to decrypt first to plain text.

I'm trying to write a custom control that will do the action I have specified, but I couldn't figure out how to integrate it into the source code, in which function to do this, can you help with this?

Presumably the sha1 checksums are produced from a source of domain names. Amend the process which produces the checksums to also produce and modify a text file list in hosts format, ie

# comments if needed
# eg last updated date and time example.com example.org

and make this available as a txt file at a URL. Add the URL to Pi-hole in the Adlists section.

It's complicated. The relevant code is

but it's very nested. I would not change the code here - if you modify the file locally, you need to redo it after every update. I suggest that you run a separate script to decrypt the file, save it locally and add the local file to your adlist (e.g. file:///home/piuser/decrpyt.txt)

Just wondering:
What is the motivation to apply encryption to a list of domains?

It's seems counter-intuitive to render a perfectly human readable list illegible.
It's going to make things a lot harder, e.g. to identify issues and report them back to the list maintainer.

I can't decrypt sha1 because it's a one-way hack. I can't think of any other way to do this as the list is encrypted for data protection reasons. As you said the source code is nested and I couldn't figure out which function to do this in and I'm not very good at c-object language.

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