DNSSEC Validation Broken?

I’m not sure what’s happening here or how to troubleshoot, but no network changes have been made other than a recent update to my Pihole install.

Note: I was forced to put parenthesis around (@) because the site thinks I’m tagging a user and refuses to let me post, but when issuing the commands the at symbol is not enclosed in parenthesis.

Expected Behaviour:
When testing DNSSEC Validation w/ dig sigfail.verteiltesysteme.net @ -p 5353 I should be receiving a “SERVFAIL” response with no IP

Actual Behaviour:
When testing DNSSEC Validation with: dig sigfail.verteiltesysteme.net @ -p 5353 I’m getting a “NOERROR” response and IP instead of “SERVFAIL”


If you surround the code using backticks (like this: ` code `), you can post as many @ as you like.

dig sigfail.verteiltesysteme.net @ -p 5353

This post explains what is happening:

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Thanks for chiming in. Rebooted the pi after the time adjustment and it seems to have fixed the issue with the new test domains you provided. Good catch!! Thanks again!!

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