Dnsmasq[24833]: setting capabilities failed: Operation not permitted

Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you!

Expected Behaviour:

PiHole correctly starting. This docker container (for unraid) did work for a long time without any problems suddenly dnsmasq seems to have a weird problem. I didnt touched the settings after initially setting it up, nor did i change anything isnide the docker.

Actual Behaviour:

It somehow starts, but not complete. I cant see histrory or ips or %. In Webinterface.

Debug Token:

[✓] Your debug token is: ghyly86aby

Please check the important upgrade notes and see if those solutions help you.

1 Like

Same message

setting capabilities failed: Operation not permitted

as in Pi hole DNS not working


That worked, i added both commands to the EXTRA PARAMETERS.

Maybe, add a if "this error" do RED BIG LINE READ UPGRADE NOTES in webui? :smiley:

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