DNS resolution is currently unavailable - Umbrel

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Expected Behaviour:

I have read through multiple FAQ's through Google searching and tried a few of the "fixes" that were suggested by other members. I just made an account tonight to see about some additional help as I'm stumped and have had problems for months. The most common fix seemed to say editing the resolv.conf to After I have changed the file (via Putty), saved it and reboot, that file changes the nameserver back to my 192.X.X.X IP of the Pi Hole and also the default gateway. Not rebooting it made no change for updating Gravity. I have tried installing and reinstalling Pi hole multiple times and also resetting my router to default settings. I have the Primary DNS setup in my router as the IP for the Pi Hole. The web interface seems to work perfectly for me. My older router is a Linksys WRT3200ACM and it works perfectly with those basic settings on that router. My current router is a TP Link Archer AX55 which is where I'm currently having the issues. I have tried looking up on Google with this router to see if there are any settings I would need to change to get the Pi Hole to work.

I have installed Pi-Hole through the Umbrel Node as one of the apps. I know it works perfectly fine on my other router when I plug that router back in. I have updated Gravity on my old router, plugged in the TP-Link and it seems to block ads on my network fairly well. Just, I can't update once I use the TP-Link. Which, is where I'm at right now.

Thanks for any help or suggestions.

Actual Behaviour:

Not able to update using gravity due to the dns issue. Domain adlist is at -2 right now.

Debug Token:


The Pi-hole team does neither develop nor endorse apps for Umbrel's app store, and Umbrel OS isn't on Pi-hole's list of supported OSs .

So far, we've only received reports for failing installs on Umbrel, see e.g. Pi-Hole in the Getumbrel node does not install, it always stays on.

It seems your installation succeeded, but your debug log is inconclusive, probably due to lack of proper permissions, which potentially could affect Pi-hole's operation as well.
But that is just me guessing - I wouldn't have a clue how the Umbrel app developers went about wrapping code around Pi-hole to offer it as an app in their store.

I'd recommend to file a bug report with the developers of that Umbrel App.

Are you just running Pi-hole on Umbrel?
Umbrel's FAQ reads:

That would seem an overly excessive h/w requirement for running just Pi-hole.

Pi-hole is designed to run even on low end, limited hardware, e.g. even a 2015 RPi Zero with a network dongle is fully sufficient of providing DNS services for your netwok.

So if you'd just want Pi-hole, you could consider a leaner server OS to run it.
On any RPi, Raspberry Pi OS Lite usually is a good fit.

Alright, I do appreciate the input behind it. I thought maybe it had something to do with the router since it worked on one and not the other. I can reach out to Umbrel to see if they can offer any assistance in getting it running. It has worked once or twice in the past few months I have had the router. Just, as soon as the router reboots, it stops working. I wasn't sure if I should have reached out to them or on here. I gave this a try first.

Originally I had the Umbrel as a Bitcoin node and then later in the year, they offered the Pi-Hole as an option to add to the node. So, it just seemed that it made sense to block ads while the node was running at the same time anyways.

Thanks again for your input. I guess this thread can be deleted as my issue lies with them.

It isn't yet clear where your issue lies.

It could be a combination of your new(?) router's network configuration and your Umbrel OS machine's network settings, which would make it neither a Pi-hole nor an Umbrel Pi-hole app issue.

With a more conclusive debug log, I'd probably consider network configuration the most likely explanation, since I see your Pi-hole is configured for a range IP, whereas client requests seem to arrive from a range network.
The common solution here would be to run pihole -r with Reconfigure, provided your Umbrel OS is already correctly configured for your network.

My inability to supply more specific advice is largely owed to the circumstance that I do not know how Umbrel OS would configure its network settings, nor how that Umbrel's Pi-hole app would expose its configuration options.

Certain aspects of your debug log would suggest that the Umbrel Pi-hole app may be based on our Pi-hole Docker container, but the confirming positive information (i.e. a tag like Pi-hole Docker Container: 2022.04.3) is missing from the Operating system diagnostic section.
Note that running pihole -r would not be the correct way for a Docker container - you'd have to adopt your Docker configuration instead.
And if it would be a container, the chosen Docker network mode could also matter to properly address your issue, as different subnetworks could be expected for Docker network modes that would isolate a container into its own subnet.

Also, the Setup variables section seems only sparsely populated:

*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Setup variables

Most striking is the absence of IPV4_ADDRESS and DNSMASQ_LISTENING.

This may suggest an incomplete installation or an incompletely configured Docker container.

I'm sorry I cannot be more specific.

Try to find out which options your Umbrel app would allow you to change.

If you cannot solve this on your own with the existing options, you should definitely bring this to the attention of the Umbrel app developers and see if they can address this. They probably may have to add specific network configuration options for either their Pi-hole app or their OS or both.

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