DNS request not working

I've installed pihole in a docker container.
I followed the documentation, but sadly its not working.
When i excute commands on the docker container its working fine blocking and passing through. But when i try it on my computer i just get "DNS request time out"
I hope anyone can help me.
here ist my debug log: https://pastebin.com/3Fmt6n0R

thanks in advance

How are you starting the docker container? Are you using a docker-compose file or starting from the command line? Can you paste the exact line/file you are using?

docker -H --tls run -d --name pihole -p 53:53/tcp -p 53:53/udp -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -e TZ="Europe/Berlin" -e DNS1="" -e DNS2="" -e SeverIP="" --dns= --dns= --restart=unless-stopped pihole/pihole:latest

I created the container with this command line. After that I can start and stop the container from the Web UI from Vmware Integrated Container. I'm new to docker, so i hope that is what you meant.

Are you using this then ? https://www.vmware.com/products/vsphere/integrated-containers.html

Yes, that's right :+1:t2:

I'd guess some sort of port forward issue. The remote host should have port 53 open based off that command. Try dig +short google.com @ to test if it is working.

sry for my late reply, I was trying some things out cuz you said there could be a port forward issue. I checked the ports on my esxi host and they are open 53 out- and ingoing for tcp and udp, but they were already opend.
I run the command on my pc and get this error ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

You'll have to dig into the VMWare+Docker networking layers deeper and try to figure out why it is not port forwarding correctly. Perhaps they have some posts with similar problems on the vmware forums.

Is the web interface on port 80 forwarded or is it just port 53 that fails?

thanks for the help, I will check out the vmware forums.
I can reach the web interface, it's just port 53 that makes me headache

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