DNS queries from Windows DNS server inundated Pihole

Expected Behaviour:

Too many DNS queries to PiHole from Windows Server 2022 with DNS server installed. I cannot uninstall Windows Server DNS because doing so will not allow new Windows 10/11 workstations to join the Domain Controller (workstation can't find the domain controller)

ps: Pihole is using conditional forwarding in order to allow Windows workstations to use the PiHole for ad-blocking.

The PiHole is running on Ubuntu 20.02 VM
Windows DNS Server is on Windows Server 2022 VM

Actual Behaviour:

Thousands of DNS queries sent to Pihole in a minute!

Debug Token:


Sometimes this means you have a DNS loop (or at least a partial loop caused by Conditional Forwarding).

Pi-hole's Conditional Forwarding is unrelated to blocking, and it doesn't affect which DNS server your Windows workstations would use.

Your router's DHCP server is distributing two local DNS servers:

*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Discovering active DHCP servers (takes 10 seconds)
   Scanning all your interfaces for DHCP servers
   * Received 351 bytes from eth0:
     Offered IP address:
     DHCP options:
      Message type: DHCPOFFER (2)
      dns-server: is your Pi-hole host.
That machine has to be the sole DNS server for your network.
Right now, clients may by-pass your Pi-hole via

Your clients are creating those queries, Pi-hole just answers them.

And in your case, your debug log shows you've configured a loop by having your Pi-hole forward allowed DNS queries to a host that in turn uses Pi-hole for DNS, which would amplify your query count.

*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Pi-hole log
-rw-r----- 1 pihole pihole 11M Mar  6 04:19 /var/log/pihole/pihole.log
  -----head of pihole.log------
  Mar 6 00:00:08 dnsmasq[783]: query[PTR] from
  Mar 6 00:00:08 dnsmasq[783]: forwarded to

Enabling Pi-hole's Conditional Forwarding closed that loop.

For the time being, you should disable it, or configure your to not use Pi-hole for DNS.

You should perhaps consider adjusting your local DNS resoluton chain, e.g. like
client -> Pi-hole -> AD -> public DNS

Also, you may be affected by a specific misbehaviour of certain Apple devices, which relentlessly send out service discovery requests under unclear circumstances (like the lb._dns-sd._udp.xxx ones appearing in your debug log).

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