DNS not working on host after pihole install following guide

EDIT: 22.04.2

Hi all,

I took into account and followed the guide here: GitHub - pi-hole/docker-pi-hole: Pi-hole in a docker container.

I kept systemd/resolvd running - with the stub listener disabled and the symlink provided in the guide.

I am now managing my /etc/resolv.conf with netplan as per the guide but my host machine is now no longer to resolve any names/DNS not configured correctly. I've shown any relevant files below.

Hopefully someone can point out a mistake I've made that can get me back up and running - or at least point out where to look/how I can reverse the changes I made following the guide mentioned?

Any help most appreciated.

Single config in /etc/netplan

  version: 2
  renderer: networkd
        - [redacted]/32
        - on-link: true
          via: [redacted]
        - to: default
          via: [redacted]


# This is /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf managed by man:systemd-resolved(8).
# Do not edit.
# This file might be symlinked as /etc/resolv.conf. If you're looking at
# /etc/resolv.conf and seeing this text, you have followed the symlink.
# This is a dynamic resolv.conf file for connecting local clients directly to
# all known uplink DNS servers. This file lists all configured search domains.
# Third party programs should typically not access this file directly, but only
# through the symlink at /etc/resolv.conf. To manage man:resolv.conf(5) in a
# different way, replace this symlink by a static file or a different symlink.
# See man:systemd-resolved.service(8) for details about the supported modes of
# operation for /etc/resolv.conf.

search .

To add to this, if I try any command that requires a lookup outside of any domains I’ve set in ‘’’/etc/hosts’’’, ping, host, nslookup, tracepath… the command hangs

EDIT: I’ve been reading this following thread which seems related but I don’t see how this was resolved… mcvlan seems contrary to the official setup

To undo my situation I was able to re-enable the stub resolver and replace the symlink to /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf.

Now to look into how to get my DNS working without the stub. Can anyone comment on whether options edns0 trust-ad being missing from my resolv.conf after turning off the stub could be the issue?

Some information on the actual behaviour would help, e.g. some failed nslookup command output and details of the expected result.