DNS cache size query

Hello all,

I'm seeking a little clarification.

Our install is running great but the DNS cache needs a little tweaking.
The docs say this "There is no benefit in enlarging this number except if the DNS cache evictions count is larger than zero." about the cache but doesn't give a guide about size.

The last time I checked and ran the command "dig +short chaos txt evictions.bind" it said about 1600 evictions with 2098721 insertions.

Do I create a file /etc/dnsmasq.d/somethingawesome.conf with the line cache-size=12000 to change the setting and does it automatically work with a restart?


You're chasing an optimization that isn't going to do anything for you. 1.6k evictions on 2m insertions is effectively zero.

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Hi Dan,

That's why I was asking.


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