Disabling Pi-hole isn't working nor whitelist domain

Hi to all, i need some advice i need sometime to disable pihole but isn't working.
My network setup

Router provider ( ------- Other client and Pi-hole (10.0.0.xx)

Opnsense active service :

  • Undound DNS active
  • DHCP Server that send clients pi-hole ip for DNS

The troubles is when i disable pihole, isn't working, pi-hole still block all, and also if i add whitelist domain in pihole domain is still blocked...

Debug link

Thanks in advance.


When you disable Pi-hole, it clears all blocking and blocks nothing. We are not aware of a bug in this area.

Where are you seeing that Pi-hole is blocking domains when it is disabled? Is this in the Pi-hole query log, in the dnsmasq log at /var/log/pihole.log, etc.?

When i disable pihole, pihole still block ads and sites like analytics.google.com
And if i add analytics.google.com into whitelist it is still unreachedable, stay blocked.

In firefox if i go to analytics.google.com get me "Unable to connect"
other test (with pihole disabled) is as follow

dig analytics.google.com
analytics.google.com.	1	IN	A

info.portmaster.	0	IN	TXT	"blocked: analytics.google.com. in activated lists PL-B,SB-AM and in deactivated lists BYX, DCT"
info.portmaster.	0	IN	TXT	"analytics.google.com. is blocked by filter lists PL-B, SB-AM"
info.portmaster.	0	IN	TXT	"analytics.google.com. would be blocked by filter lists BYX, DCT"

;; Query time: 20 msec
;; WHEN: Sat Jan 22 20:33:15 CET 2022
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 375

I notice another strange behaviour.
I have one domain in blacklist, and when i disable pihole this domain isn't blocked, and when i enable pihole blacklisted domain is blocked.

I don't understand where is problem but there is!

It Is possible that unbound dns in opnsense cause trouble?
Pihole DNS setting use opnsense as upstream server..


I don't think Pi-hole is blocking this. Let's look in the dnsmasq log for these transactions:

grep analytics.google.com /var/log/pihole.log

Looking at this: do you run portmaster? Do you use any filterlist with that software. This is a response not generated by Pi-hole. Your issue is upstream.

damn damn damn damn, i completly forgot of portmaster (safing.io/portmaster/) a software that a test a couple of days ago. This software block something..

After removing portmaster all working as expected.

Thank to all for advice.

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