Disable for 'Custom time' doesn't work

After the last update (Pi-hole Version v2.13.1 Web Interface Version v2.5.1) there is an option to disable the blocker for a custom amount of time. This simply does not work on my machine.

I click Disable, Custom time, enter the amount, click Submit, then nothing happen. If I click the Dashboard, I can see that the blocker is not disabled. If it were, I would be seeing an Enable item in the left hand side menu instead of Disable.

Is anyone else experiencing this?

Do you see any error in the Console of the Developer Tools (press F12) when you perform the action?

Run pihole -d for a debug token.

I did what you asked (but didn't upload the log), and ...

This seems ridiculous, but now it is working. It is the first time ever that it started working, and I am not sure why. I tried it many times before and it never worked. The other options (Disable -> For 5 minutes, etc.) did work correctly.

Anyway, I am glad it works now.

The only errors I saw in the console were

Refused to load the font 'data:font/woff;base64,d09GRgABAAAAAI3gABIAAAABRWQAAQABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA…IwnaGGIYHBlUELLMKwH6htK8MUhmKGIAYjqCImVEUgs1mBOtm1gRYpuNZmSrgAALqcEVgAAAA=' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "default-src 'self' https://api.github.com". Note that 'font-src' was not explicitly set, so 'default-src' is used as a fallback.