Cronjob on Beta 6.0

I know running a cronjob of pihole -up on the master branch would not be wise. But, with the development-v6 branch updating regularly, does it make sense to have one running, or is it still a bad idea? If it's OK, in what GMT hour would be the best time to run it in?

My opinon - no harm in running a cron job to update this developer branch nightly.

Run it for when you aren't using the Pi: 0300 to 0500 timeframe local would probably be best.

Not - I would not advise this when running the master branch. For that, you should read the release notes and then update only if you understand the changes.

Thanks. I'm going to go with on the playground machine:

[m] 3 * * * sudo pihole -up 2>&1 | /usr/bin/logger -t pihole_update

so I can see if something goes wacky.

And yes, will keep updating manually on master branch.

The update notification on the web interface is fixed. It is updated once a day to pull the latest version information. It's enough to run pihole -up once the notification pops up.

Especially on the beta, I'd also recommend to run it manually each time. Makes it much easier to intervene when we add a feature that does not do what it should (read as: bug). Even when we obviously try to minimize this, it is not excluded that even breaking changes can still happen at this stage - better now than after we released v6.0 and have to wait with breaking stuff until a future v7.0