Clients showing fd00 despite MAC mapping


I have mapped all my clients with MAC to hostname. Despite the mapping devices showing up with there serveral changing fd00 adresses.

In addition I have also entered the mapping in /etc/hosts.

Using fritzbox btw if relevant info.

Any help?

Help really appreciated

What kind of device is this? Some iOS and android devices randomize their MAC addresses to increase privacy. Usually you can disable this feature.

Couldnt it come from the fritzbox ipv6 settings in submitting ipv6 prefixes?
I asumed that the device Mac mapping to device Name would bypass the fd00 flooding, wasnt that the reason to create the MAC mapping?

How can I assign STATIC ipv6 address in for devices, it seems that unique identifier set in pihole via device MAC is not working properly, if it would, serveral different fd00 are irrelevant - as MAC would identify...

Or Am I wrong for the Client usage stuff?

How can PIHOLE be configured, that serveral different ipv6 fd00 adresses will show up ONLY with the ONE hostname ?

Any help welcome

This is not a router setting.

You didn't answer the question.

What device (computer, telephone, something else) is changing addresses?

Usually, mobile devices uses random MAC addresses to hide the original one.
You can disable this feature, but it needs to be done on each individual device.

It is on some mobile devices, mainly Amazon, Lots of fd00 and orher adresses. Is pihole not able to resolve to hostname?
I cant change anything on the device itself. Pihole settings or fritzbox or hosts?. Any advice for the settings? They keep changing everytime they start ...

The hostname field/column in NW overview is empty. As per my knowledge pihole should take the hostname where it finds the MAC..?

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