Clients not connecting?

Hello. I have a Ubuntu server (Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS) with docker installed. After doing some reading up online, I ran the following to free up port 53...

$ sudo systemctl disable systemd-resolved.service
$ sudo systemctl stop systemd-resolved.service

The container starts and I am in the web GUI, but I cant seem to connect as a client.
If I add my servers IP as my DNS on a device, I loose internet connectivity on that device and the web GUI doesn't show the client. Are there any additional steps required to get this working?
I really don't want to start blindly following guides because I'll end up having to do a fresh install on my server. When I set up Ubuntu I enabled network bonding... I cant remember which mode but it was one that does not require a managed switch... in case that matters.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that I see requests are being received from the localhost, so it does seem to be working to some extent. I just cant seem to connect from another device.

Any help is appreciated,

I figured it out. For anyone else having issues, check your PiHole settings...

Interface listening behaviour > Listen on all interfaces

Would be nice if perhaps bonding could be detected in a future release and this option checked automatically.