Change queries number

This script changes queries number shown in pihole. First it reset to default pihole settings (10).
After you can choose between:
Optimal mode (for medium server)
Manual mode (allowed from 10 to 99 queries)

I knew I had seen this before:

You posted this here six months ago, and the developers told you it would break the update process. What is different now as opposed to six months ago?

Don't break the update process.

I believe is still will break the update process. Any changes to the files will dirty the git repo and mark the repo as invalid.

At least a debug token will show it's dirty and we can then have users go to Issues · mapi68/pihole-change-queries-number · GitHub to have you fix their installs. Fair?

Please generate a debug log, upload it when prompted and post the token here. This will show us the status of your local repository.