Cannot login to web admin interface

Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you!

Expected Behaviour:

use chrome or firefox to connect to 192.168.x.x/admin

Actual Behaviour:

connection refused error

Debug Token:


I tried visiting the web page to see some stats. It wouldn't allow logging in with the password. I used pihole -a -p to delete the password. I could then see various admin pages, but /admin/settings.php would come back with an err_empty_response

So I rebooted the pi-hole server. When it came back up, it's handling DNS queries but nothing in the web interface is responding.

This has been a set-and-forget setup on a NAS in a VM. I've not connected to the web interface or even the ssh shell in quite a while. No recent actions on it.

Oh, yeah, disk space would be handy....

2018-07-16 13:46:03: (mod_accesslog.c.180) writing access log entry failed: /var/log/lighttpd/access.log No space left on device


'apt-get clean' freed up over 900mb

another reboot and problem solved.

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