Blacklist wrong token

I've just installed Pi-hole in raspberry pi, and trying to block a single site by adding to the blocklist,
I'm getting the error
Failure! Something went wrong.
Wrong token

anyone able to help?

#### Please follow the below template, it will help us to help you!

Expected Behaviour:

[Replace this text with what you think should be happening]

Actual Behaviour:

[replace this text with what is actually happening]

Debug Token: uvysqpdkax

[Replace this text with the debug token provided from running pihole -d (or running the debug script through the web interface]

The web admin page is served by lighttpd on port 80. You have Apache2 bound to that port.

*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Ports in use mongod (IPv4) mongod (IPv4)
*:22 sshd (IPv4)
*:22 sshd (IPv6)
*:80 apache2 (IPv6)
*:443 apache2 (IPv6) mysqld (IPv4)
*:53 pihole-FTL (IPv4)
*:53 pihole-FTL (IPv6) pihole-FTL (IPv4)
[::1]:4711 pihole-FTL (IPv6)
*:80 apache2 (IPv6)
*:443 apache2 (IPv6)
*:80 apache2 (IPv6)
*:443 apache2 (IPv6)
*:80 apache2 (IPv6)
*:443 apache2 (IPv6)
*:80 apache2 (IPv6)
*:443 apache2 (IPv6)
*:80 apache2 (IPv6)
*:443 apache2 (IPv6)
*:80 apache2 (IPv6)
*:443 apache2 (IPv6)
*:80 apache2 (IPv6)
*:443 apache2 (IPv6)
*:80 apache2 (IPv6)
*:443 apache2 (IPv6)
*:80 apache2 (IPv6)
*:443 apache2 (IPv6)
*:80 apache2 (IPv6)
*:443 apache2 (IPv6)
*:80 apache2 (IPv6)
*:443 apache2 (IPv6)

Thanks for the reply,
But seems like lighttpd using the port 80?

# sudo netstat -nap | grep ':80 .*LISTEN'
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      674/lighttpd
tcp6       0      0 :::80                   :::*                    LISTEN      674/lighttpd

any idea how to change this?
Many thanks in advance

Lighttpd may be listening on the port, but it is reported as failed in your debug log:

*** [ DIAGNOSING ]: Pi-hole processes
[✗] dnsmasq daemon is inactive
[✗] lighttpd daemon is failed
[✓] pihole-FTL daemon is active

Lighttpd and Apache2 can't both be on the same port 80. I believe your options will be:

  1. Uninstall/disable Apache2 and let lighttpd use port 80. Might not be a good solution for you if you have lots of services provided by Apache.
  2. Move lighttpd to another port. This change may be overwritten on any updates to Pi-Hole.

Related threads:

Many thanks
I've changed the port to 8080
but still comes with the same error, any idea ?
debug token is: i2my0n5t7c

Is it possible to disable Apache2 and then restart lighttpd?

Yes, I've restarted lighttpd after stopping apache2
Same error, But I found on ios Safari does not give this error
debug token is: 9m7qbxqxpk

On the client that is showing the error, I would flush the cache, restart the browser and re-load the page.

Many thanks
Now seems to be working fine

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