Blacklist only one MAC address - rest should stay the same


I want to blacklist only one certain MAC address from getting an IP.

I read that I have to add it to the /etc/dnsmasq.d/03-custom-DHCP.conf which I did:


and then do:

pihole restartdns

At first it seemed to work and now, about 1-2 days later that client suddenly got an IP address! (This almost killed my hacked Amazon Dash Button...)

I can't seem to find reliable info on how to do this? :confused:

Thanks a bunch!!


I now read that I should put this into the /etc/dnsmasq.d/10-local.conf instead of the 03? Does that make sense?

Any file name works.

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Preventing that device to get an IP may not be the only or best option to achieve what you want.

It may help if you would explain your motivation and your goal behind this.

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