Add comments to domains on the CLI

Sorry, I didn't mean to come off as rude or anything, but I see no way to add more than one whitelisted (or adlist for that matter) domain at a time via the GUI. The scenario that I am having trouble with is this: I setup a new pihole instance and want to add my 200+ whitelisted domains. With the whitelist file gone, which we used to be able to simply manipulate with bash, I don't see a way to add these domains other than 1 by 1. A few friends and I have our whitelisted domains in a git repository and could simply pull them into our whitelist file via basic bash scripting.

I imagine this might be possible via interaction with the db, unfortunately my sql knowledge is pretty limited (am more of a infrastructure/syseng guy).

I haven't looked at the gui for a while but if there are limitations for adding single items at a time, I could probably write something to export adlists, whitelists, blacklists, regex etc to text files, to be then be modified and imported back. It just depends whether it's really necessary to do so or not as it may take a little time.

Edit: This would be third party. I'm not a pihole dev if that's not immediately obvious lol

This doesn't return anything for some reason.

root@pihole:~ # sqlite3 /etc/pihole/gravity.db
SQLite version 3.27.2 2019-02-25 16:06:06
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> SELECT * FROM domainlist WHERE id = 0;

I'm pretty sure @DL6ER meant to say "type" instead of "id", so
SELECT * FROM domainlist WHERE type = 0;


This may not be obvious by the UI's layout:
At least in v4, you should be able to add a list of domains you copy e.g. from an editor, one line per domain, and paste it into Pi-hole's single line field.

I ocassionaly did that with my (admittedly much shorter) whitelist of four entries in the past.

As I have no idea how well it would agree with your 200 domains, just have a go and see if you can confirm this to work for Beta 5.0 :wink:

See here for CLI and here for GUI

You got 2 options, or 3 using GUI just waiting for @DL6ER pull request to get merged

First you can either use the pihole command to whitelist multiple domains (space separated) like
pihole -w domain1 domain2 domain3

Or you can take a look a the file

which is where the all the code is for adding domains from cli.

Here is an example bash script for adding whitelist domains (newline separated) from file


pihole -w $(tr '\n' ' ' < input_filename)

Pihole will check if the domain is already inserted so you don't have to worry about that.
You can just use wget or curl (Edit forgot git) to download the list, have fun scripting! :grinning:

This is where you would use the teleporter to export and import these entries from your existing Pi-Hole to the new one.

This is perfect, I had no idea this directory even existed.

Not really helpful when using a git repo for our adlists and whitelists. Used to be as simple as a wget somegithuburlhere > /etc/pihole/whitelist

Most of that ends up in /opt/pihole/ as utility scripts. Check your local install in that directory. Don't use /etc/.pihole as that is really meant to be hidden and may not be there in the future.

Understood, thanks Dan. I'll see if I can get something to work.

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By using pihole directly i assume you mean cli?
if so, after looking at the, it does not include any comment.

Looks like pihole cli can be updated to include a comment when inserting any list?
Someone make a pull request quick :yum:

The comment part looks good.

As for deleting a list, it would be better to assign a list to a group so it will be
easier to delete/maintain a list, so instead of using a comment, just reference the group to delete.
Unfortunately, i don't quite know how i should work in cli, as the command will be very messy.

Edit my brain is a little slow, you can have something like (just use a file instead)
pihole -w --group group_name whitlist.txt

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Another problem is that the data doesn't output from the table neatly (or in a standard format), making it tough to sanitize. It outputs like so:

211|0|	|1|1581987736|1581987736|Migrated from /etc/pihole/whitelist.txt
212|0|	|1|1581987736|1581987736|Migrated from /etc/pihole/whitelist.txt
213|0|	|1|1581987736|1581987736|Migrated from /etc/pihole/whitelist.txt

Via awk you can sanitize it to what's below, but that doesn't help much either.


What is the input and what is the output you'd like to see?

The first 3 is the result of the old whitelist.txt file that is migrated automatically & the last one, 216, was an addition via pihole -w. The output goal would just be the domains themselves. I generated that via

sqlite3 /etc/pihole/gravity.db "SELECT * FROM domainlist WHERE type = 0;" | awk '{print $1}'
echo "211|0||1|1581987736|1581987736|Migrated from /etc/pihole/whitelist.txt" | awk -F '|' '{print $3}' | tr -d " "

Edit: Gah, pasting sucks.

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My hero <3.

sqlite3 /etc/pihole/gravity.db "SELECT * FROM domainlist WHERE type = 0;" | awk -F '|' '{print $3}' | tr -d " "

Works perfectly!

Great, was thinking you may have to loop it like

while IFS= read -r list
        echo "$list" | awk -F '|' '{print $3}' | tr -d " "
done <(sqlite3 /etc/pihole/gravity.db "SELECT * FROM domainlist WHERE type = 0;")

But if it works!

Edit, untested, not sure if you can just redirect < or if you need to herestring <<< it.

Edit2, forgot $() can be done with <() instead.

Yeah I can just redirect the output > to my git repo. Sloppy but it works.

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