Are my Router Settings Correct?

I have attached my router settings where there are few Settings which i am not sure if it has to be enabled. Kindly help me. At times the PI Hole doesn't seem to resolve even Just wanted to rule out the possibilities

I am concerned about

  1. Enable Primary DHCP server
  2. Enable DHCP Relay
  3. Enable Option 125

Also when will by Secondary DNS Server be used ? When my pihole is down?

No one to Help ?

You have a "secondary" DNS server assigned, and this is likely allowing some of the DNS traffic to go to a DNS server other than Pi-hole. When clients have multiple DNS servers, they are free to use whichever they choose.

Read the manual for your router for descriptions of the other three options you noted.

Thank you Very much, it makes sense now. I thought by adding Secondary DNS the router would use it only if the PiHole Is Down, seems it is otherwise.

Appreciate your help

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