Any way to block app ads?

I'm mostly looking for a way to diable Tumblr ads on the app but it would be nice if there was a way to block them in other big ones.

it does work normaly ...
just loock that you close the app entirely while in your network and ope it again
that worked out for me...
else yoou can look what the dns requests are and filter out the ads^^

The Tumblr app always shows ads for me no matter what I do. I'll try and catch what dns request it's sending next time but since it shows up as a normal post from Tumblr idk how I'm gonna do it.

maby someoe has an idea :hugs:

I do not have tumblr. But if they do the same as some other sites the ads might be spawned from the tumblr site itself rather then via a advertising site. If that is the case the ads cannot be blocked..

Just take a look at the Pi-Hole logfile after working with the app for a few minutes and see what the DNS requests are. That will be conclusive..

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