Amazonaws update error

Expected Behaviour:

Update lists.

Actual Behaviour:

I get this error when I update my list


Debug Token:


The screen capture you posted showed no error. What was the error? Post the output of this command, which will shown the results of your latest gravity update:

cat /var/log/pihole_updateGravity.log

What are the outputs of these commands from the Pi terminal?


pihole -q -exact -adlist


I would suggest not using anything from tspprs. The lists are poorly maintained, contain an alarming number of false positives and lowers the user experience when they inevitably add things like amazon or github to the blocklists.

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The output you saw from the Pi-Hole gravity update was where it determined that the requested domain from these blocklists ( was blocked by one of your subscribed blocklists. Since the requested domain was blocked, Pi-Hole bypassed itself and went through your designated upstream DNS server directly to try to obtain the list. Even with this bypass, it was unable to obtain the list.

I would do several things:

  1. Whitelist the domain
  2. Re-run a gravity update from the terminal with the following command: pihole -g -f . This will force downloading of the lists and will not try to use a local copy of the list.


Which list do you recommend?

The wally3k lists are reliable:

Or, you may find, like many others, that the default Pi-Hole lists are adequate and any additional blocking can be done locally with blacklist/regex entries.

Thank you.

Here are all lists marked with a tick ("Lists bulleted with a tick are least likely to interfere with browsing"):

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