After Update PiHole DNS Stops. (Pi-hole 2.13 Core / 2.5 Web)


Yesterday I updated my PiHole but very soon my computers where not able to connect to the Internet any more. I Made a fresh install on my second Raspberrypi. Same Issue. Conclusion the Hardware is OK, But something has changed after the Update.
The Web interface keeps on working, it does not crash totally. I assume only the DNS server.
Are there more People having issues after the Latest Update. (Pi-hole 2.13 Core / 2.5 Web)

Thanks, Gerard

The most recent version is v2.13.1 / v2.5.1. Please update again.

We indeed have seen some issues. In case they are not solved by the update, please go to your Settings page and select "Listen only on interface eth0" (or similar) under "Advanced DNS settings" (+ click Save).


I will have a try this evening, see if I can get it working again.


Hi Gerard,

I saw the same symptoms after playing around with the new "Domain redirect" feature.
Did you do anything like this?
I described my problem here



I have Updated the PiHole again and changed the configuration. Settings page and select "Listen only on interface eth0" and switches my WiFi off.
Reboot and took him online.
This morning he was still running. Seems to be the trick.


ah.. new features implemented that I already programmed in a seperate 99-custom.conf in the past.
That's probaly the reason why my pi stopped after latest update.

This did the trick for me too. Thanks!