Adlists.list modified with wally3k

This is a modified adlists.list file that includes all of the lists from Wally3k blacklists

By default all of the lists are disabled, essentially leaving the list at "pihole defaults", and it's up to you to decide what lists to enable.

Hope this helps a few people,

unfortunately for me >140.000 domains to block will crash the pihole web server in no time:

 PHP Fatal error:  Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 75497472 bytes) in 
 /var/www/html/admin/scripts/pi-hole/php/data.php on line 581,
 referer: http://pihole/admin/index.php?login

Take a tip from the top of the wally3k blacklist page, you can increase the php memory size.

Even without the php memory tweak, I never ran into that issue. My webui query log didn't work properly, but that was solved after the tweak.

I was able to run ~400K domain with a 512MB/1CPU VPS from Vultr but the only problem I have seen was the loading time, it is going up over 1, 2 sometime 3 seconds wait before loading any webpage. Now i'm using my list with ~120K domains and is fine.

i am currently testing the FTL and block over 1 million domains on both my VPS and my RPi 2B with zero issues in terms of php memory issues

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